It’s like he’s dreaming to become an astronaut...

During his teenage years, Gabriel Gabor started to discover and wear perfumes, which triggered his devoted interest in fragrance creation at the time.

How to make a fragrance? What makes a perfume? What are the secret key ingredients of the perfume? Why can fragrances be elegant, sexy or smell of love?

Why do fragrances have top, heart and base notes?

These riddles are the everlasting fire burning in the heart of a fragrance lover. Even at that time Gabriel Gabor could recognize natural fragrance ingredients from the perfume notes.

When he came up with the idea of creating fragrances or working with perfumes, he was the target of ridicule and disbelief. Many people in Hungary wrote him off saying:

It’s like he’s dreaming to become an astronaut...

In 2018, the population of the Earth is more than 7 500 million people. The total number of astronauts is about 800 and who have been in Space is 562 (USAF data). The total number of living perfumers in 2018 is less than 500. The human nose has roughly 400 types of scent receptors that can detect at least 1 trillion different scents, previously estimated about 10,000 scents.

A perfumer nowadays applies fragrance raw materials from a list of 3000-5000 fragrance ingredients in a professional fragrance laboratory.

"At my age of 5, I could not even explain with my own words what would be my profession when my father asked me about, just picked some daffodils, lilies of the valley and put them together under his nose, showing him to smell the wonderful scents of flowers without saying a word. Honestly, I didn’t know that this is the true passion and profession of the perfumer: Creation of fragrances with nose and soul, expressing feelings without words but with scents."

 - Gabriel Gabor Perfumer -